Postdoc Representatives

The PostdocNet is a network representing postdoctoral researchers (Postdocs) across the Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG). The network was founded in April 2019 by postdocs working in the society in order to improve the working life of all Postdocs within the MPG, maximise opportunities for mentorship, academic exchange and to strengthen MPG Postdoc interactions through solidarity.

PostdocNet is organized and run by members of the community. Within the Institute, there are several Internal Postdoc Representatives and one External Representatives.

The Internal Postdoc Representatives act as the direct representatives in the institute. Among their various tasks, they play a crucial role in the representation of Postdocs at their institute, maintain cohesion of their local constituents and represent the interests of those constituents to the institute’s management and administration. Interactions between postdocs throughout the institute are fostered for example through monthly informal lunch meetings.

The External Postdoc Representative serves as the representative to the central level of PostdocNet. Whereas the Internal Postdoc Representatives act entirely within their institutes, the External Postdoc Representative acts within PostdocNet, for example, by reporting to their Section Representative and by voting as a Delegate at the General Meeting on behalf of their institute. External representative conveys the decision of the PostdocNet to their institute.

If you have any ques­tion, prob­lem or doubt dur­ing your Postdoc time, please con­tact us!
We will install a common email address soon.

These are the Postdoc Representatives at our Institute:

Anne Aalto

Anne Aalto

Internal Postdoc Representative
Department of Cell and Tissue Dynamics
Matthijs Luxen

Matthijs Luxen

Internal Postdoc Representative
Department of Tissue Morphogenesis
Seyed Javad Rasouli

Seyed Javad Rasouli

External Postdoc Representative
Department of Tissue Morphogenesis
Veeramohan Veerapandian

Veeramohan Veerapandian

Internal Postdoc Representative
Department of Tissue Morphogenesis
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