Managing Director
Head of administration
Scientific Members
Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Adams
Prof. Dr. Hans Schöler
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Vestweber
Prof. Sara Wickström, MD, PhD
External Scientific Members
Professor Dr. Erez Raz | Institute of Cell Biology, ZMBE Münster
Professor Dr. Gou Young Koh | Center for Vascular Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), KAIST, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Representative of the Institute’s scientific employees in the BMS
Dr. Hannes Drexler (2022 - 2025)
Prof. Dr. Ralf H. Adams | Tissue Morphogenesis
Prof. Dr. Dietmar Vestweber | Vascular Cell Biology
Prof. Dr. Sara Wickström | Cell and Tissue Dynamics
Group leaders
Dr. Ivan Bedzhov
Embryonic Self-Organization | DFG Emmy Noether Group
Dr. Mara Pitulescu
Vascular Patterning Dynamics | Research Group
Dr. Mauricio Rocha-Martins
Embryo Self-correction | Max Planck Research Group
Emeritus Director
Prof. Dr. Hans Schöler
Formerly MPG White Paper Emeritus Group Project Group | "White Paper - Animal Testing in the Max Planck Society"
Brain Organoids: Alternatives to Animal Testing in Neuroscience