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Portrait of Zia Fellow Windie Höfs

The "Visible Women in Science" program networks and empowers female scientists more

Specialized vasculature: Hidden architects of long bone remodeling

Max Planck Researchers discover a third vascular player in bone remodeling more

Mara Pitulescu heads the new Independent Research Group “Vascular Patterning Dynamics” from January 2025

Focus on the molecular code of organ-specific vascular patterning in health and disease more

Skull bone marrow expands throughout life and remains healthy during aging

Lifelong vascular growth drives the surprising increase of blood cell production in the skull bone marrow more

New imaging analysis method revolutionizes the diagnosis of head and neck tumors

Combination of morphological and cell status markers at single-cell resolution – diagnostic test in development more

15 years of promoting young talent in the interdisciplinary Life Sciences

Joint graduate program "CiM-IMPRS" of the University of Münster’s Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine celebrates its anniversary more

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