Information for patients
Unfortunately, we cannot give you any advice concerning medical treatments. Please be aware that we are engaged in basic research, not clinical research.
Time and again – even in connection with our Institute – there are reports in the media about cures for various diseases resulting from latest findings of stem cell research. However: we are engaged in basic research, not in clinical research. It may take years to develop safe and effective therapies from the insights gained in our laboratories.
You will find a good overview of the current status of medical research and the truths and myths concerning stem cell-based products and treatments on the website of the Stem Cell Network North Rhine Westphalia, especially the patient information, on the internet platform (German) www.zellux.net and in the patient handbook of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR). In addition, the ISSCR has created the website www.closerlookatstemcells.org, on which laymen can find clear information on stem cell based treatments and therapies.
Information for patients
German Stem Cell Network: White Paper on hurdles and gaps of the translation process of stem cell research (German)
Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia: Information for patients
Patient Handbook on Stem Cell Therapies
A Closer Look at Stem Cells
General information on stem cells
About Stem Cells
Ethical and Legal Aspects
Ethical issues and legal situation