MTZ®-MPI-Award: Scientific award for young research talents
Ever since 2009, the MTZ®foundation (Monika und Thomas Zimmermann foundation) awards talented young researchers for their outstanding scientific achievements in the area of Human Medicine and Biomedicine that they have obtained at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine and have published in a scientific journal.
With the MTZ®-MPI-Award, PhD students and postdocs until 2 years after completing their PhD exam can be fostered. The MTZ®-MPI-Award consists of a prize money of € 2,500 and a certificate.
The Board of Trustees, which is composed of the directors of the institute, nominates the candidate(s) and evaluates the submitted works. The award recipient will be announced well before the ceremony. The ceremony for the award presentation will take place in November in the presence of the founder couple Monika and Thomas Zimmermann.
The fundamental goal of their commitment is to foster young scientists who search for causes and correlations of diseases and thus contribute to their curing, true to the central theme of Monika and Thomas Zimmermann “For a better future…”
Since the establishment in September 2006, the MTZ®foundation has brought several extraordinary awards into being. These awards stand within the logical row „in vivo, in vitro and in silico“. The awarded scientific approaches are mutually dependent and constitute therefore a part of the system.
Laureats MTZ®-MPI-Award
2024: Jonas Stewen
2023: -
2022: Nida Arif
2021: Niraimathi Govindasamy
2020: Sergiy Velychko
2019: Laura Braun
2018: Kathleen Hübner
2017: Clemens Hug
2016: Jyoti Rao / Urs Langen
2015: Christian Helker
2014: Peter Reinhardt / Florian Wessel
2013: Susanne Höing
2012: Mehdi Goudarzi
2011: Dörte Schulte
2010: Mark Winderlich
2009: Jeong Beom Kim