Award for Max Planck Scientist Anjali Kusumbe from Münster
Werner Risau-Price 2014 for ecxellent scientific article on angiogenesis and osteogenesis
On March 18, 2014, Dr. Anjali Kusumbe of the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine will be awarded the Werner Risau-Price 2014. The awarding ceremony will take place within the fram of the international meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology and the German Society for Developmental Biology in Regensburg. The price was established in 2000 and since then is awarded to a young investigator who published an outstanding article on vascular biology. The award is endowed with 4000 euros. Kusumbe is the second awardee of the Max-Planck-Institute in Münster - a indication for the excellent quality of the vascular biological research at the institute.

Dr. Anjali Kusumbe, Werner Risau-awardee 2014